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Kirtan and Community Supper

  • Common Earth Studio Level 1, Padbury Stores Building, 116A Terrace Rd Guildford Australia (map)

Join us in elevating our voices and spirits in an evening of devotional singing accompanied by live music, followed by a shared community meal (bowl of soup provided, all welcome to bring any other homemade vegetarian offerings to share).

6:00pm - Doors Open, herbal tea available

6:30-8:00pm - Kirtan

8:00 - 9:00 - Enjoy a soul warming bowl of soup (vegan/gluten free) and community connection on a velvet couch in our in our cozy living room space.

Sliding Scale Tickets $15-$25


Children 12 & under FREE, babes in arms welcome.

Limited Sliding Scale Tickets are available for students/concession card holders and members of our community experiencing financial hardship.

Our group of musicians are aligned in the aspiration to share the uplifting benefits of music and mantra! Sharing the ancient and time-tested practice of “Kirtan” which is inclusive of all present, a powerful space is created in which all experience the emotional feelings and tendencies intertwined with our real nature! The positive vibrations serve to transform and evolve supporting all participants to assimilate the challenges of daily life and realign with the unravelling of individual purpose! Atmaroopa (vocals and harmonium), Mangala (vocals and harmonium) and Devang (tabla) come together with a tapestry of many instruments and mantras that will ensure an uplifting experience!

“Music is the medium for expressing emotion. Music kindles love and infuses hope. It has countless voices and instruments. Music is in the hearts of all men and women” ~ Swami Sivananda.

Bolsters, blankets and meditation stools are available at the studio. Please let us know ahead of time if you require a chair in order to be comfortable.

Click here for directions from street to studio. Our studio is accessed via the alleyway at the rear of the Padbury's Restaurant Carpark. Please take the time to view directions to avoid any frustration or disappointment in finding our hidden space.

Please note, tickets are non-refundable and non-transferrable to another date (option to transfer to another guest if you are unable to attend).

Earlier Event: August 31
Kirtan and Community Supper
Later Event: September 30
September Beginners Yoga Course